Synmastia is a condition where a patient’s breast implant crosses the chest’s midline, resulting in the loss of the distinct cleavage area. The skin is often lifted up from the breastbone (sternum), which is usually firmly attached. This can result in a very unnatural appearance and something that is particularly troublesome for most patients when it occurs. Many patients refer to this as a “Uni-boob.”
The surgical correction of this problem is challenging. This can be approached in several different ways by closing down space in the midline to help separate the implants on each side, creating a more natural appearance. This can be done by tightening the capsule, commonly known as a capsulorrhaphy. This technique is mainly dependent upon the patient’s healing and tissue. More often than not, the implants are too large for the patient’s frame, or there was over-aggressive dissection during a previous procedure. Keeping the patient’s pectoralis muscle’s attachments is of paramount importance to prevent the complication from happening. The correction of this involves re-attaching the skin to the covering of the breastbone or moving the implant to a different location (above or below the muscle) to help re-establish the new position of the breast implant chest. Recently, Allergan developed a SERI Surgical Scaffold product, a silk hammock that can help reinforce a surgical repair leading to more predictable results especially, if a patient has had problems with the quality of their skin.
A patient will frequently be required to wear a compression garment in the center of their chest – commonly a “thong bra.” This helps to encourage the surgically reattached tissue to adhere to the underlying breastbone. Recovery from this surgery frequently takes 4-6 weeks to ensure the tissues are fully healed.
If you are suffering from symmastia or loss of cleavage, contact our San Diego office at 858-638-9800 to schedule your complimentary in-person consultation to see what options are right for you.
*The content in this blog is developed to spread the awareness towards plastic surgery. Our blog is not intended to serve as a replacement for an actual in-office consultation with Dr. Marin. As such, the information within this blog reflects the unique cases of our individual patients.
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